Semester 2, Week 12

What I’m Reading: Kate Hardy by D.E. Stevenson

I didn’t get enough Stevenson with Spring Magic, so I quickly read Kate Hardy.  It was another lovely read.  It’s about an author who moves away from the city into a small village.  She meets interesting people along the way (like any good story) and makes an impact on them as much as they impact her. Now that I’ve become familiar with fairy tale patterns, books I’m reading come alive in different and new ways. It gives such a magical, other worldly, spiritual element that gives more hope to stories as you see God’s grace He gives us in our ordinary lives. Kate Hardy is a good but light story in showing us the impact of the war on people as they return home but also how incredibly important family life is.

What I’m {commonplacing}:  “Home and I are such great friends.” Anne of the Island

Fourth Grade Highlight

Week 12 flew by.  We spent about an hour or two each day finishing up all the subjects.  My son was surprised to see that he didn’t have anything written out for his independent work on Friday.  I told him that we are basically done with school; we only have exams left.  He said exams isn’t like school because it’s just having fun.  I accepted that response and told him he’s now in fifth grade.


Summer is in full swing despite us wrapping up school.  We’ve been to the pool a few times and were very ready to adjust our plans so that we could make a last minute pool visit with friends.  The kids also had Vacation Bible School at our friends’ church.  It’s always nice to run into friends from MOPS, co-op, and the neighborhood.  The kids had an absolute blast. 

Mom Highlight

The kids had VBS in the evenings, so I got to read without being interrupted, go on a date with my husband, go out to dinner with MOPS moms, and most importantly – take a break from cooking dinner.  This was such a treat for me!

Author: Amber

Homeschooling momma of two littles, pursuing life wherever it leads. A woman who loves learning about other cultures and listening to a variety of music from around the world. An avid tea drinker, book reader, and people watcher.

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